Archive for Chesterton

Let’s Drown the Children We Don’t Like!

Posted in For Heaven's Sake! with tags , , , , , , , , on November 21, 2008 by andeeroo

by andy freeman
75 years ago the great Christian writer, philosopher and humorist G.K. Chesterton chose to address the hidden crime of abortion with incredibly insightful wit.

Some laughed; others who lacked a sense of humor were outraged at Chesterton’s suggestion that society “drown the children that were disliked.”

What the shallow-minded missed was Chesterton’s brilliant ridicule of abortion. If wise and decent people would never drown a child, why would they snuff out the life of a little infant boy or girl before we know how beautiful, wonderful and amazing that child might be?

In ancient cultures people actually sacrificed their infant children by the knife or burning them alive to the sun god or pretend, stone statues like Molech. In return they were told their crops would grow, their health would be good and their life would be spared suffering. But the promise was empty and the scar
that remained from taking the life of their own flesh and blood never left their broken heart or darkened mind.